Learning to create a better world, together.

Our services

We have a particular passion for project-based and place-based learning.

We have expertise in environmental science and sustainability, systems thinking, interdisciplinary design, ecological education, and arts-based integration.



We collaborate. Together we co-create and carry out a plan that builds on strengths, develops weaknesses, and addresses organizational aims and values. We support the evaluation, design, and implementation of programs and curricula that reflect a commitment to sustainability, transformative education, and community well-being.



We teach. Our coaching is interactive and specifically tailored to address the interests, goals, and challenges of each individual. Whether it’s working with teachers in their classrooms, leaders in their organizations, or families in their homes and communities, we delight in helping people to improve and express their personal and professional artistry. 


Curriculum Design

We create. We apply an ecological approach to curriculum design by incorporating observation, experimentation, feedback, and evaluation to create dynamic and authentic curricula and programs. We inspire robust and joyful educational experiences that also reflecting the particular mission and goals of each community we work with.



We learn. We offer webinars and professional learning programs to support content knowledge development and pedagogical practice related to project-based learning, place-based education, sustainability education, and ecological literacy. These can be taken separately or in conjunction with our other services. More info coming soon!